Below you will find information about the 2023-2024 PLS members, including their current and previous demonstrations of leadership during pharmacy school.


Alice Vu

Never Generic Podcast President '24-'25

APhA Local Self-Care Competition First Place Team '24

Never Generic Podcast President-Elect '23-'24

VAPSS Patient Initiative Co-Chair '23-'24

Never Generic Podcast Pharmacy Topics Content Coordinator '22-'23

UHCOP Devido Scholarship Endowment '23-'24

UHCOP Dean's Excellence Scholarship '22-'24

Arianna Mata

PLS Secretary '24-'25

SNPhA Cancer Co-Chair '24-'25

HPSA Service Coordinator Co-chair ’23-’25

Houston Methodist MILE Intern ‘23- ’26

Houston Methodist MILE Informatics Intern ‘24-’26

MD Anderson Extern ‘23-’26

SCCP P1 Liaison '21-'22

Dean's Excellence Scholarship ‘22-’24

Student Ambassador ‘22-23’

Romafou Bates

AAPP Fundraising Chair ‘24-’25

Kappa Psi Fraternity Inc. Social/Athletic Chair ‘24-‘25

UHCOP Senior Golf Chair ‘24 Walmart Pharmacy Intern ‘23-Current

UHCOP Class of 2026 Dean Student Advisory Council Representative ‘23-’24

CPFI Vice President ‘23-’24

HPSA Secretary ‘23-’24

Kappa Psi Fraternity Inc. Risk Management Chair ‘23-’24

UHCOP Student Panel P1 Summer Internship ‘24

PLS P1 Leadership Award Recipient ‘23

UHCOP Student Ambassador ‘23

Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy Internship Recipient ‘23

HPSA P1 Liaison ‘23

Alyssa Glass

TPA-ASP Chair-Elect ‘24-25

SCCP President ‘24-25

APhA Operation Substance Use Disorder Chair ‘24-25

CVS Intern ‘22-25 Houston Methodist Sugar Land Advanced Intern “24-25

Student Ambassador ‘22-25

SCCP President- Elect ‘23-24

TPA-ASP Patient Care Vice Chair “23-24

TPA-ASP Student Leader of the Month APhA Operation Substance Use Disorder Jr. Chair ‘23-24

Orientation Coordinator ‘23-24

SCCP P1 Liaison ‘22-23

Jasmine Malhotra

PLS Vice President '24-'25

SNPhA Recording Secretary '24-'25

HPSA Vice President ’23-’24

SSHP Fundraising Co-Chair ’23-’24,

SNPhA Remember the Ribbon Co-Chair ’23-’24

Initiative of the Year ’23-’24

SNPhA Third Place Scrapbook Winner ’23-’24

Class of 2026 Webmaster ’22-’23

HPSA Fundraising Co-Chair ’22-’23

Village MD Intern ’23,

Legacy Community Health Intern

Dean’s List ’22-‘24

Ariana Moorer

American Pharmacist Association-American Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP)Operation Immunization Chair '23-'25

Texas Pharmacist Association- Academy of Student Pharmacist (TPA -ASP) Policy Committee,'24-'25,

UCHOP Orientation Coordinator 22'-'23

Certified Operation Naloxone Presneter 23'-'25

Legacy Community Health MTM & Clinical Pharmacist Intern '23- '26

Memorial Hermann Hospital TMC Investigational Drug Services Intern '23-24'

Ogechi Ngwakwe

PLS Leadership Challenge Chair '24-'25

TPA Patient Care Committee Vice Chair '24-'25

Class of 2026 Treasurer '22-'25

APSA Vice President '23-'24

SNPhA CAPs Coordinator '23-'24

UHCOP Academic Dean's List '22-'24

CVS Pharmacy Intern 21'-24'

Pharmacy Year 4

Abigail Alley

PLS Treasurer '23-'24

SCCP Fundraising Co-Chair '23-'24

SCCP Vice President of Internal Advancement '22-'23

SCCP P1 Liaison '21-'22

Abhishek Singh

SNPhA Treasurer '23-'24

Kappa Psi Historian '23-'24

Kappa Psi Legislative and Judicial Chair '23-'24

APhA Operation Self-Care '23-'24

SNPhA Pre-Pharmacy Association Liaison ‘22-’23

Kappa Psi Scholarship Chair ‘22-’23

PhAMSA Secretary ‘22-’23

PhAMSA P1 Liaison ‘21-’22

UHCOP Student Ambassador ‘22-’24

TSHP Leadership Competition Third Place '24

Bridging the Gap National Initiative of the Year '23

SNPhA Impact Award '23

Anahita Haghparast

Never Generic Podcast President-elect/President ‘22-’24

APhA Jr. Chair Operation for Reproductive Health ‘23-’24

Kappa Psi Fundraising Chair ‘23-’24

HPSA Fundraising Chair ‘22-’23

IPhO VIP Case Competition Clinical Development top 3 finalist ‘22-’23

Pharmacist Intern at Albertsons Company June' ‘23-present

Hunter Adams

Rho Chi Pharmacy Council Representative ’24-’25

TPA Patient Counseling Competition Second Place ’24

SNPhA Regional Conference Clinical Skills Competition First Place Team ’24

APhA-ASP Local Patient Counseling Competition First Place ’24

ASHP Local Clinical Skills Competition First Place Team (P3 category) ’23 PLS Leadership Challenge Chair ’23-’24

APhA-ASP OTC Medicine Safety Sr. Chair ’23-’24

SCCP Operation Naloxone Training Coordinator ’23-’24

PDC Scholarship Chair ’22-’24

H-E-B Pharmacist Intern '22-'25

TPA Self-Care Championship First Place Team ’23

HPSA President ’22-’23 PDC

Worthy Inner Guard ’22-’23

APhA-ASP Local Patient Counseling Competition Top 10 Finalist ’22 &’23

AMCP Local P&T Competition First Place Team ’23

UHCOP P1 Internship Coordinator ’22-’23

APhA-ASP OTC Medicine Safety Jr. Chair ’22-’23

ASHP Local Clinical Skills Competition First Place Team (P1/P2 category) ’22

AMCP One-Day P&T Competition Second Place Team ’22

UHCOP Class of 2026 Orientation Coordinator '22

H-E-B Summer Internship Top Project Award ’22

H-E-B Scholarship Recipient ’22-’24

UHCOP Academic Dean’s List ’22-’23

UHCOP Student Ambassador '21-'24

APhA-ASP P1 Liaison '21-'22

PDC Candidate Class Secretary ’21-’22

Alyssa Kahiwat

SSHP Vice President of Communications '23-'24

PLS Secretary '23-’24

TSHP Executive Student Section Committee '23-’24

UHCOP Self-Study Steering Committee '23-'24

SNPhA Bridging the Gap Initiative of the Year Award ’23, ’24

SNPhA Pre-Pharmacy Liaison '22-'24

UHCOP Admissions & Progression Committee '22-’24

SSHP Orientation Chair '22-’23

Class of 2025 Historian '21-’22

International Day Photography Chair '22

UHCOP Student Ambassador '21-'23

UHCOP Academic Dean's List '22, '23

Connie Lau

SNPhA Corresponding Secretary ‘23-’24

Kappa Psi Graduate Relations Chair ‘23-’24

SNPhA Regions III, IV and V Patient Counseling Competition- 3rd Place ‘23

SNPhA Community Outreach Chair ‘22-’23

Kappa Psi Chaplain ‘22-’23

Houston Methodist MILE Intern ‘22- ’25

Student Wellness Advisory Council Representative ‘21-’25

SNPhA Bridging the Gap Regional Conference Committee ‘21-’22

UHCOP Dean’s Excellence Scholarship Recipient ‘21- ’25

Genesis Zavala

P4 H-E-B Pharmacy Intern '22-'25

PDC Nationals Collegiate Affairs Committee '24

Class of 2025 Honor Board Representative '24-'25

PDC Nationals Finance Committee '24-'25

IPHO Director Clinical Development VIP Competition '23-'24

PDC Nominations Committee for Grand Council 2023 '23

PLS DEI Scholarship '23

HPSA Spanish Coordinator '22-'23

H-E-B Pharmacy Best Intern of the Year '22-'23

Jazmyne Samuels

SCCP President ‘23-’24

Houston Methodist The Woodlands Hospital Intern ‘23-’24

Class of 2025 Vice-President ‘22-’24

Research Student, Garey Lab ‘22- ‘24

SCCP President- Elect ‘22-‘23

Dean's Excellence Scholarship ‘22-’23

UHCOP Summer Camp Coordinator ‘22

UHCOP Student Ambassador ‘21-’23

Kiran Wazir

KE President '23-'24

KE President-elect ‘22-‘23

KE Scholarship Chair ‘22-‘23

PHAMSA Cultural Chair 23-'24

PHAMSA Social Chair ‘22-‘23

SCCP Public Relations Chair 23-'24

International Day Co-ordinator ‘21-‘22

Bethany Bluitt

Class of 2025 Treasurer ’22-’25

APhA-ASP Vice President of Membership ’23-’24

APhA-ASP Operation Substance Use Disorders Sr. Chair ’23-’24

SNPhA Alumni Dinner Coordinator Co-Chair ’23-’24

UHCOP Clinical & Translational Research Symposium Organizing Committee ’23-’24

APhA-ASP Operation Substance Use Disorders Jr. Chair ’22-’23

SCCP Operation Naloxone Certified Presenter ’22-’23

UHCOP Student Ambassador ’22-’23

HOMES Clinic Health Fair Organizing Committee ’22

Emmanuel Iruru

Rho Chi Honor Society Historian ’24-‘25

TSHP Leadership Challenge Competition First Place ‘24

PLS Vice President ‘23-‘24

AMCP One-Day P&T Competition First Place ‘23

IPhO Director of Professional Programming ’23-‘24

TSHP Leadership Challenge Competition First Place ‘23

IPhO VIP Case Competition National Third Place ’22-’23

APhA-ASP Reporting Chair ’22-‘24

SCCP Treasurer ’22-‘23

UHCOP Student Ambassador ’22-‘24

Houston Methodist West Hospital Internship ’22-Present

UHCOP Academic Dean’s List ’21-‘23

Class of 2025 Honor Board Representative ’21-Present

Julia White

Lead LAPPE Student – Harris Health ‘24

President – PLS ’23- ‘24

Lead Coordinator – SCCP Operation Naloxone ’23- ‘24

Vice President – HPSA ’22- ‘23

Training Coordinator – SCCP Operation Naloxone ’22- ‘23

Treasurer – Class of 2025 ‘22

Lead Chair – Latin American Committee of International Day ‘22

Teyana Grooms

APhA-APPM Medication Management SIG Business Model Committee Member '24-'25

Harris Health System LAPPE Intern '24-'25

Scientist Mentoring & Diversity Program Biotech Scholar '24-'25

Patrick J Healy Scholarship Recipient '24-'25

APhA Operation Diabetes Sr. Chair '23-'24

SCCP Research Sr. Chair '22-'23

UH Dean's Excellence Scholarship Recipient '22-'23

SCCP Research Jr. Chair '21-'22